Many of my older slide decks can be found in this folder or on my Speaker Deck account. Below you will find a list of few selected and representative talks. I have typically given many (I mean a lot!!!) of slightly different versions of these talks at different venues. Let me know if you need any particular slide deck.

LQR Learning Pipelines

Data-Driven Control Based on Behavioral Systems Theory

Dynamic Ancillary Services & Virtual Power Plant Control

Online Feedback Optimization

Control in Power-Electronics-Dominated Power Systems

Capture, Propagate, & Control Distributional Uncertainty

Brig-Florian Dorfler.gif

Eneuerbare Energiesysteme & ihre Herausforderungen

(.gif Datei)

Systems Theory of

Algorithms & Architectures

Data-Enabled Predictive Control in Autonomous Energy Systems

Control of Power Converters in Low-Inertia Power Systems

Karma Games

Ockham’s Razor in Opinion Dynamics

Game-Theoretical Inference of Human Behavior in Social Networks

Exploring Complex Energy Networks

Decentralized & optimal control of inter-area oscillations in power networks

Virtual Inertia Emulation and Placement in Power Grids

Plug-and-Play Control and Optimization in Power Systems

There are plenty more slide decks that should be here... but I got lazy. Eventually, you will find them here.